Thursday, March 13, 2008

Friday , March 14, 2008

I have been Tagged once!!!!! Thanks Wendy!!

(Your assignment is to write 7 random facts about your life.)

1. About a year ago my sister Elsie and I got into a little mischief at Katie's house after her family had gone to bed for the night..we found her camera!! Took the pictures that night then left the next morning. It was fun.

2. I enjoy the t.v. shows-- Medium, Extreme Makeover, lots of HGTV design type shows and the CSI/Law and Order stuff. Man, is that ALL I do . . . watch tv? (In my defense, with tivo I don't watch all the commercials or all of the show in the HGTV just the beginning and the reveal!!)

3. An elementary school memory . . . A friend and I (Christine Anderson) dressed up like we were going for a ride in a "tin lizzie" (big dust coats and goggles). We sang "Come away with me Lucille, in my merry Oldsmobile. . . . Down the road of life we'll fly. . . .automobubbling, you and I. To the church we'll quickly steal . .. then the wedding bells will peal. You can ride as far as you like with me, in my merry Oldsmobile." As we were singing this, a classmate was pulling a wagon across the stage that we had decorated with cardboard to resemble an old fashioned car!!!

I was also a cheerleader inthe 5th grade. Crazy.

4. The Flinstones were the rage when I was a child. . I must have really liked them. I have a picture of me, as a high schooler, with my hair pulled up in a "Pebbleisque" ponytail on the top of my head with a chicken-leg bone pushed through it. Oh, man. Was I da bomb or what?

5. One of my biggest pet peeves is not being able to retrieve my messages from the cellphone. I've never learned how. . .How lazy is that? I just talked with my daughter and she told me I don't even have my voicemail box set up. . . so, that explains it.

6. My best friend hmm. . . that's a good question. I may have an opening for that position. . . submit your application ASAP.

7. I'm not sure what fears I have. . . I am NOT excited at the prospect of skydiving and don't even have it as a "PLAN", although I did go on a glider one time and was perfectly at ease during it.

I tag Donna, Bonnie, JoAnn, Kathy, Elsie, and various others.

8:31 PM 0 comments


The Gwynns said...

Very cute :) You and Elsie... never going to leave you two alone again!

Aubrey Lynn said...

Hahaha! I love you Joyce Cox! You are so awesome. My favorite lady! Seriously. And I actually listened to the lesson on sunday, because you give the best! Well I just got excited when I saw you had a blog! :)

Skousen Seven said...

Thanks for doing the blog! I knew you were crazy,but to have another cohert with you!!??! You are awesome.You are my hero for gliding, I can't imagine doing that.

Shandelle said...

The pictures are HILARIOUS!! Thanks for commenting on my blog! Don't be a stranger!

Heather K said...

Hey fun Lady! Thanks for saying hi to us! We will always remember Cox Camp 2000! Because that is the weekend Zach and I met and he kissed me on the cheek because Tommy Dared him. There WAS sparks I guess! You guys are Awesome and we would love a visit with you and maybe some of your fun kids sometime if ya'll come up to Ideyho sometime! Keep in touch, aren't blogs amazing.